You need to build a dynamic User Interface? You do not have Front-End developers? You are looking for backup in React / VueJs / Angular? Our den is full of it…
“Front-end web development is the practice of converting data to a graphical interface, through the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, so that users can view and interact with that data”.
Basically, it is the visible part, the front panel, the user interface of your product. It is the part that runs on the browser, the mobile or the user’s machine.
Generally, the Front-End development of your project comes after the functional design phase, through wireframes or prototypes. Then, the setting up of a style guide and/or of a storybook allows the Front-End developers to create screens. Afterwards, the Back-End integration can start.
Our experts in Front-End development, in addition to read documentation #rtfm, are constantly learning and sharing knowledge about web technologies, conventions as well as best practices. They regularly take part in online or physical conferences, like Codeurs en Seine, Devfest Brest et Devfest Strasbourg, Touraine Tech…
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